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  • Track Two

FORUM REPORT: One Network April 2019


The most recent Track Two Conference, a third gathering of the developing One Network, brought together technologists, somatic practitioners, educators, psychologists, consciousness practitioners and disseminators to consider how the practices in the field of human potential might extend the impact of non-governmental diplomacy with the support of rapidly evolving technologies.

Ahead of our conference it was noted that our leadership in the US is broken, misguided and timid. The US is currently engaged in conflict in 192 countries. America is blinded by our own exceptionalism. How might we impart new narratives and collaborative actions with those nations the Country seems so troubled by? Can we help spur the disruption of broken governance systems and reimagine social structures so that boundaries of place and traditions and cultures can positively support collaboration on the major threats to existence that humanity faces today? Track Two has done this before, with Russia and the US during the Cold War. A new escalation in armament, devastating impacts from climate change and a natural world that is literally lying in the balance all require a quantum shift in behaviors. And technologies are here to help this happen.


This conference brought together representatives from multiple fields, among them influencers who command large audiences through their work: Ben Koo is a professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing; Hu Yong is a professor at Beijing University. Meihong Xu is a Director of California Institute for Integral Studies. Tamara Morgan leads The Foundation for Inner Peace, publisher of A course In Miracles; Zenmaster Richard Baker Roshi’s following spans the globe; Anna Vassilieva is a professor at the Middlebury Monterey Institute; Ksenia Semenova is a journalist and Director of Business Development at Cindicator, a blockchain company; Don Hanlon Johnson is a leader and teacher in Somatic disciplines; Kim Spencer is Founder of Link TV. Together they influence hundreds of thousands of individuals.



Our first speaker, Michael Murphy, founder of Esalen Institute, touched upon consciousness, human reserves and human potential and the deep understanding that evolutionary divinity (Brahmanism, “one,” spirit) is at the core of this work in international diplomacy. When value is defined “outside” our “selves,” we fail to recognize the interconnectedness of all.

If this is the great human lesson, how can small groups like ours stimulate a tidal wave of understanding about this essence of “one” and its necessity today?


New technologies or newly popular technologies are built on a different understanding of governance. Blockchain, from the neophyte’s perspective, allows for the ultimate and absolute democratization and distribution of power. In essence it offers a distributed, decentralized ledger tool for activities, transactions, creations, communications. Ideological borders become unimportant; integrity and trust-building become all important. Instead of “command and control” societies, we have the promise or hope of participatory, collaborative and equality-driven societies. In such societies each human is generative and empowered to create its own value as part of the greater value of a whole.


From the discussions emerged a commitment to bring social Brahmanism, the essence of evolutionary divinity, to our many audiences in active and progressive ways. Several alliances formed amongst members of the group and ideas for system-changing projects were seeded.

For some the gathering provided contemplative recharging: new ideas and alternative energies they will bring back to their work. For others some new projects emerged and will be pursued. For all, the gathering invigorated a deep commitment to non-governmental diplomacy activated through person-to-person connections that recognize shared experiences, individual cultures and common purpose.


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