The International Abrahamic Network (IAN), a project co-sponsored by Track Two and Esalen’s Center for Theory & Research, was founded on the notion that all peoples seek and deserve dignity and with the goal of helping to build reconciliation among Jews, Christians, and Muslims around the world. IAN focuses on the historical roots of Jewish-Christian-Muslim animosities from psychological and spiritual perspectives. It explores which historical clashes from the very beginnings of the Abrahamic relationships set the stage for the resentments, fears, and hatreds that have endured across centuries.
Participants of IAN from the Middle East and the United States work and collaborate on projects centered on peacebuilding.

In 2024, as the war in Gaza continues unabated, Track Two has planned an online conference for late summer to bring our network of Palestinian and Israeli peacebuilders together to explore avenues for non-state diplomacy in the current tragic circumstances faced by both Palestinians and Israelis. Our deep connections to peacebuilders in both states serve as a foundation for new work to ameliorate some of the pain generated by this painful war.