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The International Abrahamic Network (IAN), a project co-sponsored by Track Two and Esalen’s Center for Theory & Research, was founded on the notion that all peoples seek and deserve dignity and with the goal of helping to build reconciliation among Jews, Christians, and Muslims around the world. IAN focuses on the historical roots of Jewish-Christian-Muslim animosities from psychological and spiritual perspectives. It explores which historical clashes from the very beginnings of the Abrahamic relationships set the stage for the resentments, fears, and hatreds that have endured across centuries.  


Participants of IAN from the Middle East and the United States work and collaborate on projects centered on peacebuilding. 


In 2020 Track Two's work in the Middle East expands beyond Israel and Palestine to a somewhat broader Abrahamic Family. In April we gather individuals from all our networks and eight Middle East experts to explore where we might find fertile ground for non-governmental diplomacy. One network member, a Middle East expert, recently commented that there appears to be no fertile ground in governmental diplomacy efforts at this time.  This is an opportunity to drive relationships that can foster a new approach US, Russian and North Pacific Rim relations with the Middle East.

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