for Cooperation During Conflict
APRIL 23 - 28, 2023
In this conference Track Two with Esalen Institute will explore the Russia-Ukraine conflict as we imagine a revision of citizen diplomacy for our current day. During a period of unprecedented animosity among certain former Soviet republics and Russia and between Russia and the West, what might be the basis for establishing trust? And from this basis, how might friendships form across borders that can lead to productive, peaceful advances? How might this develop? What tools can be brought to bear upon or invented to build bridges that will be so needed? What arenas offer opportunities to bring a variety of individuals and groups, both expat and living within Russia and Ukraine's boundaries, together to weave a fabric for future collaborations and communications? Ultimately, we hope to find a way forward once this war ends to rebuild the friendships and trust that have been a signature of our person-to-person relationships over these many years, bringing these to a larger public as the timing dictates.